We are a non-profit organization authorized by the state government to provide free education on computers and career training like English teaching, handicraft, music, yoga, etc. to almost 215 schools of underpriviledged students in the Himalayas. Workin ...

Kenya Voluntary Development Association (KVDA) aims to promote peace, understanding, justice and development among Kenyans and within the international community. For this purpose the association recruits young men and women from diverse ethnic, national ...

Teach Away is committed to ensuring students are learning from the best educators worldwide and aims to achieve this through a commitment to quality hiring and world-class teacher development. Teach Away offers teaching opportunities for ESL Instructors a ...

The Teach for Change initiative is an English education program that brings in 35+ international volunteers from across the world at a time to teach in one of our 12 partner locations across Vietnam. In exchange for a unique cultural exchange experience a ...

International Relief Friendship Fund (IRFF) has carried out numerous international relief programmes over the years. Projects have included work in the education, medical and development sectors. Youth Volunteer Camps carry out similar projects. Contact t ...

Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW) offers volunteer programmes focusing on community development. Most volunteer placements last between 5 and 11 months and are available in countries in South Asia and Africa. Projects mainly focus on youth and health e ...

The Volunteer & Language programme is the ideal combination for those who want to immerse themselves in the culture and really get to know the people of the country they are visiting. The programme starts with a language course of 2 to 12 weeks, which is ...

Vitalise runs one of the largest and most diverse volunteer programmes in the UK. Over 6,000 people volunteer their time with Vitalise every year. Anyone and everyone can volunteer! There is no upper age limit. Vitalise actively welcomes people from all b ...

Atlantic Whale Foundation offers volunteer placements to international volunteers who are interested in contributing their time to this environmental project. Volunteers will work as research guides on the whale watching boats three or so days per week an ...

Oikos is an association engaged in the protection of the environment and the promotion of voluntary service. Projects include conservation projects, but recently Oikos has expanded its focus to include humanitarian programmes as well.

The View Foundation is currently offering volunteer projects in Tanzania and in Cuba. In Tanzania volunteers will help to construct a school/orphanage building in a small village outside Arusha. They will work with the local children and teens by assistin ...

The Mexico Summer Project brings together young people from different countries for seven weeks of intercultural exchange, service work, and reflective learning among the indigenous communities of rural Mexico. Projects include a sustainable development p ...

Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad (CIS) offers opportunities for volunteers in the areas of education and social programmes. More specifically, volunteers can donate their time as English teachers or as election volunteers. Volunteers must cover the cos ...

Live and work with local people on life-affirming international service projects. Join a network of service: teach conversational English; care for vulnerable children; paint, build and repair community buildings; or assist with health care. No specialize ...

We are a charity in Kenya that provides children from poor households access to education. Our programs include teaching, providing facilities to the children and feeding them to increase enrollment. Safisha recruits volunteers from all over the world to ...

Peace Boat's language training programme, GET, is now accepting applications for English and Spanish language teachers for the 110th Global voyage. https://peaceboat.org/english/voyage/110th-global-voyage The application deadline for volunteer teachers ...

Global Service Corps offers volunteer programmes ranging from two to nine weeks in Thailand and Tanzania. Internship placements of nine weeks and more are available in the same countries. Projects include HIV/AIDS prevention, sustainable agriculture, inte ...

ELAP arranges and prepares students for volunteer and occasional internship placements. Participants address the needs of a community abroad, while applying the lessons from the experience to their own personal growth. Experiential learning adds another d ...

Youth Action for Peace (YAP) organizes a great variety of activities to give young people the experience to learn and demonstrate peaceful living together with people from different cultures and to contribute to local community and peace development. Thei ...

Sustainable living, getting off-the-grid, growing and cooking food as medicine, holistic health, the healing arts, and developing a deeper and more engaged relationship with the Earth - these are just a few of the learning opportunities you will have duri ...

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