CSV connects thousands of volunteers with opportunities around the UK each year. They offer Full Time volunteering opportunities as well as Part Time volunteering opportunities. Full Time volunteering is ideal for people who want to take a gap year, impro ...

Proyecto Montezuma is a private non-profit organization which funds free English classes for local adult learners and Costa Rican schools that cannot afford to hire full-time English teachers. Proyecto Montezuma also provides various other learning opport ...

Join other people from the world coming to Tanzania to help teach in preschool and primary school. You're not just teaching; you're helping children in Tanzania learn basic English and basic math! Be the change; go with meaningful travel! Volunteer job d ...

As a leader in the field of international volunteer travel for over 18 years, we know that the best approach to international volunteering—the only approach—is one designed by the community. In every community in which we work, we have long-standing relat ...

Students need you! TAN achievements and opportunities are inordinately limited for school youths in under-resourced school districts. The acute shortage of high-quality teachers in these schools leaves low-income and minority students particularly vulnera ...

World Challenge offers long and short term adventure travel expeditions. Expeditions take place all around the globe, and range from one to four weeks. While short term expeditions focus on adventure travel, long term expeditions incorporate volunteer com ...

Madventurer community projects focus on building basic infrastructure to assist local community development. Their key focus is youth development and the provision and improvement of health, education and sanitation facilities such as schools, clinics, to ...

The Leap provides a variety of voluntary work and sporting programmes all round the world. They uniquely combine the exciting elements of adventure travel with helping on sustainable eco-tourism/safari, conservation and community projects. All Leap projec ...

Lattitude Global Volunteering (formerly known as GAP) is an international youth development charity started in the UK in 1972. Our mission is to develop ‘Global Citizens’ by immersing young people in challenging, structured volunteering experiences in dif ...

Allianssi Youth Exchanges offers workcamp opportunities to international volunteers in Finland each year through the Alliance of the European Voluntary Service Organizations. Most applicants are recent high school graduates or university students who want ...

UNS Exchange arranges and supports the placements of around 300 volunteers per year on International Volunteer Projects in more than 50 countries worldwide. The volunteers work on environmental, social and cultural projects with local people. Projects off ...

Expeditions place ordinary people alongside scientists who are at the forefront of conservation work. Conservation projects include snow leopard research in the Altai mountains, whale studies on the Azores, chamois, bear & wolf conservation in the Tatra m ...

MADRE provides essential support to their partner organizations through their volunteer program, Sisters Without Borders. When requested by their partners, MADRE arranges for culturally competent, skilled professionals to work with women and children and ...

At Sudan Volunteer Programme (SVP), the basic volunteer programme is teaching English at various levels in Sudan. SVP promotes conversational practice and discussion groups with University students and other adults and also in some secondary schools. This ...

Greenforce offers international volunteer placements in areas of animal and environmental conservation, humanitarian work and social work. Volunteers can work with penguin rescue projects, orphanage work, in mountain schools, Amazon conservation and Red C ...

Volunteers for International Partnership (VIP) offers volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups to do international community service in health, social services, environment and education. Work with a rural development project, volunteer in a heal ...

We are looking for volunteers to join us on an educational exchange to Beijing, China from January 20th to February 4th. You will work with a teacher who will be leading specialized activities to students from Grade 3 to Grade 7. On your time off, our gui ...

In collaboration with local organizations, Institute for Field Research Expeditions (IFRE) presently offers volunteer and intern abroad programs in Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, China, Thailand, Peru, Costa Rica, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. Their ...

Each year, Birzeit University organizes two fortnight-long work camps which give international students the opportunity to work alongside Palestinian students on community-orientated projects. Palestine & Arabic Studies students often join the camps, whic ...

About English Opens Doors Program Volunteers English Opens Doors Program is a fee-free program serving Chile's youth. EODP volunteers make a lasting impact on the lives of their students, motivating them to improve their English and participate in cross ...

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