After school programs

Want to volunteer abroad in education, in an after-school program? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge magazine's searchable overseas program directory.

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GapGuru creates unique gap year programmes for individuals. They provide essential planning and structure to enable participants to make the most of their time out. Volunteer placements may include work with children, conservation work, or placements in j ...

Every Language, Every Culture, Everywhere, AmeriSpan Programs include Language immersion, Volunteer and Internship programs, College Study Abroad, SALUD Medical Spanish and Portuguese, Professional Development, Programs for Educators, Teenager Summer Abro ...

Each AMIGOS project is designed and implemented in close collaboration with partner agencies at the local and national level, creating a network of ideas and shared efforts that help to appropriately address the needs of their host communities. Projects a ...

Work with indigenous people in community based programs that promote autonomy and quality of life. Some programs include setting up mobile dental clinics to serve children, developing teaching curriculum with teachers in Nicaragua and Nepal. Working on a ...

Friends of ATD Fourth World volunteer their time and talents, offering all kinds of experience and skills. They are essential for the development of their anti-poverty work in the UK and work closely with the full-time team. There are many opportunities f ...

Fikelela Children's Home is situated in a quiet area of Khayelitsha township not far from Cape Town. Fikelela provides safe, secure and nurturing home-based care for up to 40 children aged between 0-8 years of age. The children are either affected by, or ...

As a leader in the field of international volunteer travel for over 18 years, we know that the best approach to international volunteering—the only approach—is one designed by the community. In every community in which we work, we have long-standing relat ...

The Genesis Volunteer Programme offers volunteers he opportunity to teach in an Ecuadorian school for children who cannot afford education. Volunteers receive a week of fully supervised in-class training to learn how to maximize their teaching throughout ...

Voluntario Global's balance of working and living in South America make it one of the most unique experiences around. Volunteers are able to enjoy first-hand the exciting Latin culture, learn Spanish and develop important skills for the future. All volunt ...

Each year, Birzeit University organizes two fortnight-long work camps which give international students the opportunity to work alongside Palestinian students on community-orientated projects. Palestine & Arabic Studies students often join the camps, whic ...

World Camp is committed to empowering children in impoverished communities around the world through education. They currently offer volunteer programs in Malawi, Africa. World Camp focuses on education and projects include programmes on HIV/AIDS preventio ...

The View Foundation is currently offering volunteer projects in Tanzania and in Cuba. In Tanzania volunteers will help to construct a school/orphanage building in a small village outside Arusha. They will work with the local children and teens by assistin ...

Visions in Action offers six and twelve month fee-based Classic Volunteer Programs, as well as short-term summer programs, in Mexico, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. The Classic Volunteer Programme supports the work of local NGOs in a wide variety of s ...

Gap Activity Projects (GAP) is one of the oldest "gap year" organizations, with more than 30 year

The Volunteer & Language programme is the ideal combination for those who want to immerse themselves in the culture and really get to know the people of the country they are visiting. The programme starts with a language course of 2 to 12 weeks, which is ...

AVIF offers volunteer placements in Kenya with volunteers taking part in teaching in local schools and distributing dental products and medicines. Volunteers live with hosts in very remote, rural locations, and will be placed with at least one other volun ...

Live and work with local people on life-affirming international service projects. Join a network of service: teach conversational English; care for vulnerable children; paint, build and repair community buildings; or assist with health care. No specialize ...

AFSAI offers two programmes for volunteers, Voluntary Services and Overseas Volunteers. Both programmes have volunteer projects in various sectors including work with children, elderly, disabled, environmental conservation, peace and third world awareness ...

ELAP arranges and prepares students for volunteer and occasional internship placements. Participants address the needs of a community abroad, while applying the lessons from the experience to their own personal growth. Experiential learning adds another d ...

The emphasis of the programme is not work but rather participation in ongoing project activities and community life. Work and activities are not organized especially for the volunteers.

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