Regions: South Asia

For Canadian and other non-American participants, Centre for Cultural Interchange (CCI) arranges academic year high school, as well as a variety of programmes for students and adults wishing to live and/or work in the US for a short period of time. For Am ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

CANADEM connects international agencies to Canadian experts. Established in 1996 with funding from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs to respond to staffing requests from international peace operations, Canada's Civilian Reserve: --Manages a natio ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Global Citizens Network (GCN) sends small teams of volunteers to rural communities around the world where the volunteers immerse themselves in the daily life of the community. The team works on projects initiated by people in the local community, for the ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

MICATZ specializes in offering overseas volunteers affordable internship placements and also facilitates opportunities for individuals, students, groups, and gap year students. We also offer adventure holiday tours, wildlife programs, language and cultura ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Indra Foundation is a responsible volunteer organization in Nepal which offers various meaningful volunteer opportunities. Nepal, being one of the most beautiful and adventurous countries in the world, each year many people visit to explore and experience ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Involvement Volunteers Association Inc. (IVI) helps volunteers from over 16 countries to participate in the many and varied volunteer placements available in an increasing number of lands around the world. Projects include social and community services as ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The dogs of Kathmandu are often subjected to the most horrific cruelty. They are beaten, kicked and run down by vehicles most of the time, making them injured, in pain or starving. We receive 40 to 50 animal cruelty and abuse cases, mostly related to stre ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Work with elephants, children and nature.  You can get real experiance with Sri Lanka and its people. We provide to you good accommodation,  good food and 24-hours security and services.

Category Volunteer Abroad

VentureCo specializes in gap year and career break adventures; all of the programmes are about working within a group, helping developing communities and exploring off the beaten track. VentureCo provides travel with a purpose in the company of like-minde ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

CESO is one of Canada's leading volunteer-based development organizations. Since 1967, through partnership and the dedication of our volunteers who are highly skilled and experienced in their professions, we have completed more than 46,000 assignments foc ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Frontier works to conserve the world's most endangered wildlife and threatened habitats and to build sustainable livelihoods for marginalised and under resourced communities in the world's poorest countries. Wildlife Conservation: Across the world habit ...

Live and work with local people on life-affirming international service projects. Join a network of service: teach conversational English; care for vulnerable children; paint, build and repair community buildings; or assist with health care. No specialize ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Volunteer Nepal partners with various NGOs to support community leaders and youth workers in community building, rural development and sustainability efforts. Projects are undertaken in the sectors of social work, health services and education and trainin ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

GapGuru creates unique gap year programmes for individuals. They provide essential planning and structure to enable participants to make the most of their time out. Volunteer placements may include work with children, conservation work, or placements in j ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The Mountain Volunteer Nepal is a program of the The Mountain Fund, a US based NGO with a decade of development experience in Nepal. The Mountain Fund's founder received the 2010 Sir Edmund Hillary Medal for the work he, and The Mountain Fund have done ov ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The Leap provides a variety of voluntary work and sporting programmes all round the world. They uniquely combine the exciting elements of adventure travel with helping on sustainable eco-tourism/safari, conservation and community projects. All Leap projec ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

AIM Abroad offers low cost volunteering opportunities for international volunteers. AIM Abroad works to provide volunteering opportunities in India for people who want to offer their services and travel with a grassroots organization. We realize that your ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The emphasis of the programme is not work but rather participation in ongoing project activities and community life. Work and activities are not organized especially for the volunteers.

Category Volunteer Abroad

The Bamboo Project Powered by GVN is the next step in independent volunteering and adventure travel. We're dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what responsible tourism is all about. Our dedicated team, consisting of the perfect mix of international tra ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Many available volunteer opportunities, internship experiences abroad, teaching programs, trips and treks, in Nepal, India, Tibet and Sri Lanka. Projects include work in an orphanage, teaching English, environmental conservation, work in the health sector ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

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