Regions: North America

A wide variety of different international volunteer short term projects, including: work with orphans and other socially disadvantaged children environmental and nature protection activities, ecology, gardening and forestry renovation and restoration ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Our volunteers work in schools and communities in the north of Canada to assist in the areas of education and recreation. On our education projects the volunteers work in the community schools assisting in any way that they are needed. This often involves ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Volunteers for International Partnership (VIP) offers volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups to do international community service in health, social services, environment and education. Work with a rural development project, volunteer in a heal ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Concern America recruits and sends professionals who serve as non-salaried volunteers for two or more years. Positions include medical doctors, public health specialists, educators, agriculturists, engineers, and other experts are sent to share their skil ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Volunteer Global has recently launched our first direct placements in Central America! Through our programs in Mexico, Belize, and Nicaragua, you can help with animal sanctuary assistance, medical care, English teaching, community development, educational ...

Since 1964, their volunteers have provided business expertise to enterprises in 130 developing countries. It has earned them the well-deserved reputation of "goodwill ambassadors." Volunteer Experts (VEs) conduct many of their technical and managerial ass ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Live and work with local people on life-affirming international service projects. Join a network of service: teach conversational English; care for vulnerable children; paint, build and repair community buildings; or assist with health care. No specialize ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Every Language, Every Culture, Everywhere, AmeriSpan Programs include Language immersion, Volunteer and Internship programs, College Study Abroad, SALUD Medical Spanish and Portuguese, Professional Development, Programs for Educators, Teenager Summer Abro ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Global Routes' High School Programs allow students to become fully immersed in a foreign culture while gaining valuable volunteer and service experience. Whether volunteers are teaching English in Asia, building a community center in South America or a sc ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Global Citizens Network (GCN) sends small teams of volunteers to rural communities around the world where the volunteers immerse themselves in the daily life of the community. The team works on projects initiated by people in the local community, for the ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership (IPSL) programmes unite academic learning with volunteer service to the community. IPSL programs offer academic, credit-bearing courses combined with amazing service-learning opportunities in H ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Respectable health care is one of the scarcest commodities in the developing world. The solution is to ensure health care is both excellent and accessible for those in need. To accomplish this, MMI facilitates the work of volunteer health care professiona ...

Category Health / Medical

For Canadian and other non-American participants, Centre for Cultural Interchange (CCI) arranges academic year high school, as well as a variety of programmes for students and adults wishing to live and/or work in the US for a short period of time. For Am ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

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