High school academic year

Looking for a high school full-year study abroad opportunity? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge Magazine's Program Search.

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Yamate High School Student Exchange Programme This is a year-long, reciprocal exchange programme for students who are studying Japanese. Students attend Yamate High School, a private co-educational school, in Yokohama, Japan and receive special Japanese a ...

Alberta Education sponsors student exchange programmes for high school students studying French (Quebec), German, Japanese or Spanish (Mexico and Spain). In these programmes Alberta students alternate between hosting partners in their homes and schools, a ...

Experiment-France offers high school students the opportunity to attend a French school and live with a host family. It's one of the best ways to become fluent in the language, to make friends and to explore the French school system and its social life. P ...

York Region Learning Connections is the International Division of the York Region District School Board. They offer high school study abroad programmes in the UK, Italy and Greece. All of their partners have a long-standing record of academic excellence a ...

Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to meet people from other lands and to experience their cultures. This year, more than 8,000 teens will see the world through the Youth Exchange program. As a Rotary Youth Exchange stu ...

YFU is a non-profit international educational organization and one of the worlds oldest, largest and most respected exchange organizations. Established in 1951, YFU has successfully exchanged more than 240,000 students worldwide. That's why we have been s ...

For over 50 years ISS has brought the very best educators together with the very best schools, pairing over 20,000 candidates and 300 schools in more than 150 countries worldwide. Now more than ever, ISS makes securing a highly sought international teachi ...

The SAGE Global Schools Consortium is an expanding network of top-rated international schools offering high quality US accredited academic and co-curricular programs to students in grade 9 through 12 and from around the world. Whether for a semester ...

The Youths Go Abroad programme is a year-long immersion programme for high school students lasting 10 to 12 months. Students stay with a host family and go to school. Programme options include a year abroad, a semester abroad or an intensive summer progra ...

According to your age, STS offer 2 types of cultural exchange: = High School Student Exchange (14-18yo) This programme allows you to spend 2, 3, 5 or 10 months in the foreign country of your choice. This full immersion is possible in over 20 countries. Yo ...

A year away can't be measured in days alone. Students will only be gone for a school year, but the experience will enrich the rest of their life. Living in another country for a year is something most people never have the opportunity to do. Students retu ...

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