Going overseas to live, work, teach, volunteer, or study? Interested in sharing your experiences with people considering doing something similar? Apply to blog about your time abroad, as a featured blogger for Verge Magazine.
This is an outstanding oppor ...
The volunteers of Peace Brigades International (PBI) come from many different countries and backgrounds but share a strong commitment to nonviolence and a belief in the contribution that ordinary people can make to creating a more peaceful and just world. ...
AfID offers accountants from around the world the opportunity to use their skills to support a broad range of non-profit organisations globally. Volunteer assignments of between 2 weeks and 12 months, or longer permanent placements, form part of an ongoin ...
MSF staff work at the forefront of emergency medical care for populations in need. As well as providing primary healthcare for people suffering from endemic diseases and neglect, MSF also performs surgery, rehabilitates hospitals and clinics, runs nutriti ...
UNS Exchange arranges and supports the placements of around 300 volunteers per year on International Volunteer Projects in more than 50 countries worldwide. The volunteers work on environmental, social and cultural projects with local people. Projects off ...
Here at 'The Great Projects', our mission and goal is to help save some of the planet's most endangered animals through our unique volunteering and ecotourism projects.
We offer award-winning volunteer projects and ecotours which are designed to be both ...
Our voluntary and internship projects arise from the needs of the local community. Most projects are organized by ALTRUIS Indonesia and partner organizations in Indonesia. Interns or volunteers work with us and our partners: non-profits, non-governmental ...
SCI Work camps are short term projects with long term goals. Most work camps have a specific goal or task to be achieved in the 2
Your enthusiasm for education will be invaluable to our children and to our organization by encouraging them to constantly strive for a better future. IHF volunteers teach English, computer and math classes as well as maintaining relationships with local ...
Youth Action for Peace (YAP) organizes a great variety of activities to give young people the experience to learn and demonstrate peaceful living together with people from different cultures and to contribute to local community and peace development. Thei ...
GVI project opportunities range from wildlife research projects to care for abandoned street children. Operating across several continents GVI offers a variety of programs with well known organizations such as the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund and South Africa ...
Globalteer has opportunities to work on a range of dynamic and community-run projects to suit all needs. These projects are run responsibly and ethically. We are members of Tourism Concern’s Ethical Volunteering Group and Associate members of Keeping Chil ...
Through its affiliation with large voluntary service networks, Volunteers For Peace exchanges more than a thousand volunteers each year to help communities meet local needs and work toward the goals of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. All projec ...
Kaya is dedicated to making a world of difference through responsible traveling. We promote sustainable social, environmental, and economic development in communities by offering over 150 ethical volunteer, internship, and cultural immersion programs base ...
Travel to Teach offers affordable volunteer programs in various locations in South East Asia and Central America. Whether you want to teach children at a primary school or monks at a Buddhist temple, whether you want to experience life in a hill tribe vil ...
Many people feel empathy towards animals and would love the opportunity to work with them, but feel they lack sufficient training or experience. To participate in an AEI Experience, you need only have a passion for animals and a desire to help – we provid ...
Global Village volunteers work alongside families in need to build simple, decent, affordable homes in communities around the world. A Global Village trip can be a life changing experience for you, the community you visit, and the families whose lives are ...
With Australia Volunteers International, volunteers make a hands on difference in the fight against poverty. They can help advocate, develop programmes, monitor and evaluate success of Australian Volunteers International's volunteer programmes worldwide. ...
Global Leadership Adventures offers community service trips to Africa, Asia and Latin America. Programs are only for high schools students and focus on volunteering and learning about grassroots social movements. On the weekends, students engage in exciti ...
Ready for a different kind of travel experience? Developing World Connections is a non-profit organization that offers individuals and groups of any age and background the opportunity to help those in need in the developing world through International Vol ...
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Travel with purpose; travel for good. Articles, resources and events for ethical and meaningful travel, volunteering, working and studying abroad.
Verge believes in travel for change. International experience creates global citizens, who can change our planet for the better. This belief is at the core of everything we do.