Want to teach overseas? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge Magazine's Program Search. There are nearly 1,000 teach abroad programs, TEFL jobs and resources to choose from.
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Professional Language Solutions have various teaching positions arising throughout the year and are always interested in meeting good tutors in any language. Applications are always welcome for ELT positions in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Algeria, Azerbaijan an ...
Pueblo Ingles seeks out native speakers to provide their participants with exposure to the English language and provide a framework that guarantees a package of English that cannot be achieved anywhere else. Native English speakers come to Spain from arou ...
Channel Crossings is an established language training company, founded in 1993 and getting bigger all the time. They are based in brand new premises in the town centre with six classrooms and extensive teachers' resources. Between these two centres, Chann ...
The ACE TESOL Certification gives participants the qualifications to teach English abroad or in Canada. The programme has many highlights: * An affordable ESL teaching credential * 100 hours of classroom instruction * A 20-hour practicum (a 10-hour practi ...
We keep the TEFL industry simple 2 course types. One online only and the other with the option of 20 hours in classroom tuition. By choosing the TEFL Academy you receive the only TEFL qualification recognised by both the DEAC in the USA and Ofqual in the ...
The mission of The Bridge Foundation is to support and enhance a broader socio-economic capacity for underprivileged communities with focus on the youth, while at the same time building bridges of cooperation, friendship and understanding on a global scal ...
The Angloschool staff is made up of approximately 20 Polish teachers and 10 native English speakers. All teachers have at least one university degree in addition to CELTA certification, or the equivalent. The teachers are supervised by a Head Teacher, who ...
Byron Language Development frequently has openings for well qualified teachers with a minimum of three teaching years experience and a smart, professional attitude and appearance.
Morris Allen Study Centres hire teachers who are trained native English speakers. They are selected based on their dedication, passion and qualifications as English specialists and all are approved by the Ministry of Education to teach English.
Volunteer teachers will participate in a 3-5 days orientation at our office in Costa Rica’s capital city, San José, and upon finishing the induction week our volunteers will be taken to their respective teaching communities. Volunteer teachers will live w ...
The Higher Colleges of Technology is a key component of the UAE's strategy to be part of the global marketplace, develop and diversify its economy, and maintain its unique cultural heritage. The HCT employs almost 2000 staff from 40 different countries. W ...
The Study-Intern Programme was conceived for the many people who are passionate about European culture and wish to improve their Spanish, French or Italian while making social and professional contacts for the future in Italy, Spain or Belgium.
GapGuru creates unique gap year programmes for individuals. They provide essential planning and structure to enable participants to make the most of their time out. Volunteer placements may include work with children, conservation work, or placements in j ...
The Leap provides a variety of voluntary work and sporting programmes all round the world. They uniquely combine the exciting elements of adventure travel with helping on sustainable eco-tourism/safari, conservation and community projects. All Leap projec ...
Citylangues regularly recruits native-language teachers and from time to time course advisors. Those who wish to apply for a post with Citylangues should fill in the online form or send their CV with accompanying letter to Citylangues by email. Training i ...
COOPI is committed to fighting against social injustice and poverty in the global South and to building a future that guarantees everyone adequate living conditions, equal opportunities and respect of their rights. In order to carry out its development pr ...
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