Countries: Botswana

To provide support for the development of a qualified Aboriginal work force in Cold Lake and the surrounding area.

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Since 2007 StudyPortals has helped millions of students around the world to find and compare their dream education. With a dedicated Scholarship, they now also help to cover a significant part of the costs related to study abroad ambitions - helping even ...

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The Edward Boyle Medical Elective Bursaries offer financial support to medical students from the UK wishing to spend an elective period in a developing country within the Commonwealth.

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In order to encourage talented members of minority groups to pursue careers in Classics or Archaeology the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) administers a summer scholarship program for promising minority undergraduates majoring in the study of classica ...

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Made possible by the generous support and fundraising efforts of international educators at PDX Abroad, a community of innovators advancing the field of education abroad through active engagement across institutional and organizational boundaries.

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The SOM Prize is a research and travel fellowship that enables one outstanding applicant the opportunity to travel in connection with carrying out in-depth research on a subject of their choosing; to meet with other professionals in the field; and to purs ...

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Women make up nearly 50 percent of the global workforce; however, gender equality is not yet a reality in senior management and corporate boardrooms around the world. According to a 2014 Catalyst Census[1], women hold only 4.2 percent of the CEO positions ...

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Celebrating the success of post-secondary students by awarding scholarships is just one way that the Foundation aims to foster the growth of leaders, inspire the next generation, cultivate philanthropy and volunteerism, and ultimately, to ensure the healt ...

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Nexen, a CNOOC Limited company, has developed the Nexen Oil Sands Scholarship Program to encourage and assist students who undertake to further their postsecondary education and skills training. Nexen has committed $1 million to this postsecondary scholar ...

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The Whitaker International Summer Program provides funding for U.S. bioengineers and biomedical engineers to continue their existing Master’s or PhD work abroad of high-quality, individually-arranged, research or internship in industry or coursework relev ...

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Fellowships provide support for highly qualified applicants in all areas of health research at the post-PhD degree or post-health professional degree stages to add to their experience by engaging in health research either in Canada or abroad.

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Varsity Tutors offers a monthly college scholarship contest to students who write the best essay in response to a monthly prompt.

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The Margarian Scholarship is aimed at rewarding a select number of deserving students for their academic and personal achievements.

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The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates and scholars who ...

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Made possible by the generous support of a group of international education professionals who are committed to advocating on behalf of LGBTQI students, this scholarship is awarded to a deserving LGBTQI student who aims to participate in a high-quality, ri ...

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The Christianson Grant is awarded to young Americans who have arranged their own service projects abroad. Proposed programs must be at least six months in length and emphasize a work component. The grant does not support independent research projects or a ...

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Are you under 30 years of age and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, about to graduate from full-time undergraduate or Masters level study at McGill, uOttawa, Queen's or StFX? Do you have a meaningful connection with a community in Canada or anyw ...

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The Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society, in partnership with the Victoria Foundation, hosts a suite of international scholarships designed to support students from BC in studying abroad. Successful applicants must clearly demonstrate aca ...

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Sara’s Wish Foundation scholarships are awarded to extraordinary young women committed to making the world a better place by fully participating in it.

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The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to diversify the kinds of students who study and intern abroad and the countries and regions where they go by offering awards to U.S. undergraduates who might otherwise not participate due to financial constraints.

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