"A world where conflicts are settled without use of force" 


International Peace Center Africa is A non-profit organization committed to the empowerment of young people in Kenya to take active responsibility for their lives to shape their destiny, promote worldwide cooperation on issues of health in keeping with the UN principles and concerns, t o enable persons with disability to overcome their physical limitations and empower them economically and socially to become self reliant and fully integrated members of their communities
We believe that peace starts with the individual. The mission of World Peace Partnership is to inspire and empower people around the world to be more at peace with themselves, others and the environment.
We are creating a global community that is actively working towards peace. One by one and together we can all make a difference. 

In conflict zones worldwide local people are building peace. Stopping violence, saving lives, healing their own communities.  

A world where conflicts are settled without use of force.


A world where conflicts are settled without use of force andpromote worldwide cooperation on issues of health


To get local people to the centre of all strategies for dealing with conflict.

Providing a forum for the exchange of information on global health concerns, policies, services and research  

To enable persons with disability to overcome their physical limitations and empower them economically and socially to become self reliant and fully integrated members of their communities .


Prevention and management of disease and general health development.  

Providing a forum for the exchange of information on global health concerns, policies, services and research. 

Finds   local peace builders in conflict areas, and funds and promotes their work. 

Enables persons with disability to overcome their physical limitations and empower them economically and socially to become self reliant and fully integrated members of their communities .  

Enhance awareness and facilitate reform of policy and legislation towards sustainable management of natural resources and the mitigation of the impact of climate change. 

Promote effective home and industrial waste management and the use of renewable energy technologies to improve sanitation and reduce pollution. 

Many children in need around the world do not get a quality education where they can learn and develop. To advance learning, International Peace Center Africa supports quality education programs for children and adults.